Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Guapo and Bentley the Bulldog

I am such a dog person. Their little faces make me melt! While up in Idaho, I spent a morning trying (emphasis on trying) to get some shots of my cousin's dogs. There is the ever handsome Guapo, and Bentley the Bulldog. I discovered that dogs move more than kiddos - making the process all that more fun, and uh, tricky. I must apologize to Guapo - for I have far more pics of Bentley; there is just something about his face that I could not stop snapping. I love them both!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tanner and Darlene - McCall

All my life, my family and I have been going to the heavenly McCall Idaho to get away and spend time with the cousins. Some of my favorites memories are from time spent there. The first great-grandchild of the family, a beautiful little girl - named McCall. Anyway, we headed up there in August for a reunion and had a wonderful time, as always. The next few posts are dedicated to that wonderful week on the quiet lake in the mountains.

Below are some shots of my cousin Tanner and his lovely lady Darlene. They were heading out to the dock on a freezing (40 degrees in August!) day and I had to take advantage of their beauty. Thanks guys for putting up with me!

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Snook.

Colin William Baker. aka - Snook. He was dubbed this name at birth and has been known as such since. I popped out to North Carolina this past week to see just how big he's gotten. Not to mention his momma (her stomach that is). She is due in just a few weeks with a girl version of this cute blonde child. He liked to pretend that my camera and I do not exist - sometimes a good thing, sometimes bad. You be the judge.